Multi-Day Wilderness Youth Trips



Fully‐outfitted paddling and camping trips


7-9 graders from the St. John River Valley & Ashland


The Allagash Wilderness Waterway—River Segment


9-10 participants per trip.


Fully funded by AWWF and fully outfitted by Chewonki— no fees!


Middle & high school youth from the gateway communities to the Waterway. No paddling or camping experience needed!


Each trip is guided by two experienced Chewonki Trip Leaders (at least one female) with substantial experience guiding multi‐day youth paddling and camping trips in remote areas, including on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway.


Participants will meet AWWF Board Members, Teachers, and Chewonki Trip Leaders for Orientation the evening before the start of each trip in Fort Kent, Frenchville, or Madawaska.


Email Shanna Lagasse, AWWF Coordinator at


Traveling along historic native routes by canoe, you will experience the landscapes that make the North Woods famous. The natural and long human history of the area enriches the adventure. We focus on mastering canoe paddling in a variety of waters, as well as learning and refining the skills of an outdoors person.

Goals for Trip Participants
  • To Develop a Sense of Place
  • To Develop a Sense of Self
  • To Experience a Joy for Life
  • To Understand Intellectual Engagement
  • To Be a Contributing Member of the Community

Sample Trip Itinerary

The specific trip itinerary will be designed by Chewonki’s Trip Leaders, with consideration given to wind and weather, as well as travel time to put-in and take-out locations.

Sample Menu

The menu will be adjusted to accommodate participants’ dietary restrictions and allergies.

Day 1: Drive to Henderson Brook Bridge and put in for the short paddle to Round Pond. Camp at inlet Campsite and learn the skills of setting up camp and cooking a hearty meal over the campfire. We will spend the evening around the campfire with a goal-setting discussion before retiring to tents.

Lunch: Sliced turkey or hummus sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, and cheese, chips, fruit and chocolate chip cookies.

Dinner: Burritos and baked brownies for dessert.

Day 2: Up early to begin our day on the water. After refreshing our paddle strokes, we head north to the outlet of Round Pond where we enter the river. We pass through Musquacook Deadwater Camp at Five Finger Brook or Deadwater North.

Breakfast: Eggs and sausage and English muffins and granola, hot chocolate.

Lunch: Pita bread with tuna, lettuce and tomato or sun butter and jelly.

Dinner: Spaghetti, with salad and garlic bread, S’MORES.

Day 3: Up early again to enjoy our last day on the river, which is a mix of quiet and quick water with rips to Michaud Farm. We take out at the Farm, load up the van and canoe trailer, and drive home.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, bagels, hot chocolate.

Lunch: Trail lunch (crackers, cheddar cheese, peperoni, carrots and fruit).

Chewonki Trip Leaders and Safety
  • Maine Camp Trip Leaders or Registered Maine Guides.
  • Hold first aid certification as Wilderness First Responder.
  • Have all participated in a rigorous staff training that included training in swift water rescue.
  • Have a passion for teaching outdoors and a deep love for wild places.
  • Trip Leaders in the field carry a satellite phone and a DeLorme INREACH® device that allows a 24‐hour SOS function and two-way text communication. At Chewonki’s home base, staff monitor our 24/7 on call emergency phone.

For More Information

Email Shanna Lagasse, AWWF Youth Coordinator at

OUR MISSION IS to enhance the wilderness character of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, protect its environment, and preserve and foster knowledge and understanding of its natural, historic and cultural values. In close collaboration with the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands, we serve as the Friends of the Allagash.

- Allagash Wilderness Waterway Foundation